Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Progress Check

Well tomorrow is my 2 week progress check on the hearing aids and I am a bit excited but still nervous and anxious as well. Not sure why, it's not like I am going to get my hearing checked for the first time or anything lol but nonetheless I am.

So life has been interesting the last 2 weeks to say the least. I have been trying to adjust to my new Bionic Ears and it's been a rough road in a few ways. I think first the hearing aids need to be readjusted a little to a lower volume since everything seems super duper amplified to me. I can't wear the hearing aids when I have the dishwasher going or running bath water etc because it drowns out everything else.

I have done better than I thought I would with the kids. They are loud especially Hailey at times but it's only bad when they have alot of noisy toys and are loud too. They do have a volume control on them but the dr wanted me to not use it right now to see if I really needed the adjustment or just get used to them.

The downside to my BTE's are that I am having a hard time with the phone. For those who have known me I am a talker and I used to be a phone person but since the hearing problem I avoid it. I had high hopes for my heairng aids and the phone but alas it's not what I had hoped for and perhaps it's the BTE's vs the in the ear hearing aids. The microphone is behind my ear so I have to hold the phone funny not on my ear and then I feel like the people can't hear me unless I talk up really loud.

A few other things are bugging me about the BTE's as well but nothing I couldn't live with if I had to but I am hoping to talk with them tomorrow and see what it would cost to get the in the ear ones. The phone is a lifeline and should I have to go back to work or want to I would have problems with the phone. I have worked customer service and that generally requires phone work and I need to be able to just pick up the phone and hear and not keep moving it around til it hits the right spot.

I know I have a 30 day trial on them , so I am hoping it'll not be an issue. I don't mind paying a little extra for the order thankfully tax money is coming in but I hope that'll it be nothing. I'll be sure to post tomorrow after I get back with the verdict.

All in all I am so happy to hear and be around people now without feeling bad because I couldn't hear them. Thanks to everyone for their support during the last few months it's been a hard road!

Update On Hearing Aids

Well first I am a little behind on posting, so sorry about that! It's been a busy last few months and I just realized I had not updated. So I'll try to catch everyone up to speed about what's been going on.

Hubby decided to ask FIL to help us out on the money situation though I really really did not want to and his first response was no. I am not sure what the problem is or was but anyways then later on he calls him and asks him exactly what kind of help. Essentially all we wanted was a loan that we would pay. We tried for financing ourselves at 2 different banks and got turned down for both.

FIL says ok I'll see what I can do this is a little before Christmas time which he was coming down anyways so I figured he could go to the bank here and get it done no problem. Well apparently he couldn't fit running to the bank and dong the forms real quick while he was here. Sigh.. so it wasn't until after Christmas that he got it done.

We had to wait about 2 weeks or more because it was nearly the end of Januaray before everything got done and he got approval and sent us the money. So finally we got the check deposited in our account and I called up the office to set an appointment.

They didn't call back so the following week I called again and lo and behold they were out of the BTE pieces for my hearing aids. ARGGHH!! I was soo frustrated to say the least. They said it'll be another few days atleast but hopefully no more than 2. This was around Jan 22nd I believe. Well on the 23rd they called me back and said the pieces had come in! So they were like can you come in today at 3? Unfortunately that time wouldn't work since I had to pick up Jess from school etc so I set the appointment for the next day.

Off I go at 11:30 to get my new Bionic Ears as I like to call them and wow what a huge difference. Everything is super amplified and has defintely taking some time to get used to but to hear my kids again without asking them to repeat themselves 100 times has been great.

I just can't tell you what a huge change this is from what I was, well ok what I wasn't hearing lol ha to what I hear now. Still in an adjustment stage and think I will be for a bit but learning as I go.

Things I couldn't hear before H/A:
Cars going down the rd if I was in my car, house etc
Birds outside my back sliding glass door
My kids talking in the other room
The dishwasher (sounded very muffled)
The dryer buzzerJust a few things off hand.

Things I can hear now:
Cars, trucks everything even when in car/inside.
Birds (freaked me out the first time I heard this LOL)
My kids OH my my, my kids are LOUD!!!! esp when they are fighting.
The dishwasher ( can no longer run while I have h/a in, it's wayyyyyy to loud)

Before I got pg with Hailey I would complain how loud the tv was if it got above the volume 30. Well when my hearing got bad I would often have to turn it up to 45 or more if there was other noise. Now with the h/a I can hear it at 20 or even 10 LOL umm yah that's pretty huge difference!!!