Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So AT & T Called

We have been getting this call from a place called Etech for months now, but I always ignore it thinking its a telemarketer. First of all since I have such bad hearing I don't like talking on the phone to family/friends so I definitely don't want to deal with telemarketers. Usually they have a strong accent and I don't understand them anyways or they talk to low or its their headsets.

Finally I decided to answer and see who the heck it was since they call so often. This is the conversation:

Me: Hello
Line: This is....... (can't hear them)
Me: I am sorry who?
Line: This is..... (still can't hear them)
Me: You'll have to speak up I have a hearing disorder
Line: This is .........from..... (still didn't hear them)
Me: I am sorry but if you don't speak up louder I can't hear you
Line: This is "name" calling with AT&T
Me: Oh well we are not interested in changing our phone service
Line: Well it's not about changing your service it's about upgrading
Me: Well we can't afford to upgrade as you can tell I can't hear and need the money for hearing aids
Me: Do you offer discounts to those who can only hear half the time on the phone? (me laughing)
Line: Sorry to bother you ma'am you have a good day.

Ok I was laughing by the time I got off the phone. Seriously I'll upgrade and pay out the ass for a service I barely use now (cept for the net) and still can't hear anything going on. No thanks!

Laugh of the week.

1 comment:

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Omg that is hillarious!!! I hate more than anything companies calling to see if we want to upgrade. If we want to upgrade, we'll call you. I hate even more when it's people who CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH! In Canada, the two national languages are ENGLISH and FRENCH. If you can't speak one or the other really well, don't fucking call me. lol